Job Search Reading List
I’ve collected articles (with some occasional video/audio content) that helped in looking for a new job. Highly subjective. It’s not that I agree with everything the say, yet I believe it’s worth reading/watching.
- Must Reads
- General resources
- - general career advice
- Finding Jobs
- Have connections on linkedin, really
- Otta
- Himalayas
- WeWorkRemotely oldie, but goldie :)
- Pallet
- WellFound
- CV/Resume
- By Gergely Orosz
- StackOverflow Blogpost short and sweet version
- Book the long version (ebook), worth reading IMO, it helped me chainging my mindset about the CV - from writing everything to writing only what matters in a given context (without lying ofc)
- By Gergely Orosz
- Interviews
- very good post about finding red flags during interviews, I often use those questions
- behavioral - you’d better come with prepared good stories, everytime you answer “I can’t recall any situations like this” you’re loosing an opportunity to show your advantages
- system design
- System Design Interview - Book - nice textbook for preparations, shows the structure of SD interview, but also a lot of case studies; remember it’s a textbook-grade, if you want in-depth details, take
- Algorithms
- LeetCode - problems of different types and levels, sandbox in various languages
- lectures of prof. Eric Demaine - just awesome, take this example explaining dynamic programming (also on YT)
- Negotiations
- An excellent post about salary negotiations in 2 parts:
- Fearless Salary Negotiation
- Podcast
- Free content
- there is also a book, but I haven’t read it *
- - timeless classic (as many writings of Kalzumeus)
- Never Split the Difference - very interesting book about various negotiation techniques, showing a winning mindset. OFC the book itself is not enough without a training, but it helped in me in changing my perspective
- By Gergely Orosz
- Contracts
- a bit dated, still worth reading